Fine. Sekarang sangat homesick and nak balik so bad! Haish. I put the full blame on you Global Exchange. I went to see a clinician at Student Health Center, and she gave me a prescription, dang, my medication cost me $252. Mana nak korek duit bayar. :( The pharmacist called them but they said I wasn't in their coverage. Whatever. Haih. Terus balik rumah tak pergi kelas, anyway dah lambat pun to do so. JPA do semething about it pls.
Okay cakap pasal homesick, terus come out with
kenapa saya suka rumah saya?
Here are nine reasons why :
1. Sebab dia best. Undeniably BEST. Define best; undefined.
2. Sebab ada mak and mak ngah. :) And they are best people in my life.
3. Sebab ada air-cond. Omaigod, not wanting to sound like a spoiled brat, but 23°C here in Pittsburgh already gives me headache, skin irritation, sunburn and too much "panassssssnya". Duh!
4. Sebab saya tidur nyenyak on bonda's bed. HAHA. Oh, but I love Mak Ngah's even more.
5. Fridge saya besar. But it never makes me fat. So true. I stayed home while waiting for SPM results and was so so so skinny back then. Rindu being one :(
6. TV. Bukan flat screen. Bukan LED tv. No full set of home theater or what so ever. But when I feel like watching it, naaaah it's there. Always there. Nakkkk tengooook tv OKAY!
7. Kitchen. Orang suka makan suka je masuk dapur aite? hihi :)
8. Friday or Saturday night. The kiddos will come lepak2 there, watch TV, main2 in Adik's room.
9. Whatever the reasons are, saya suka rumah saya jugak.
with Mak Ngah and Bonda; dalam rumah. :)
Nak balik. I know May is coming tapi nak balik! Nak balik. Quoting Omark; manja ketoi! Suka hati lah. :P
Okay continue buat homework; then tidur; esok kerja.