I know I haven't keep you in touch for quite awhile. Mian haeyo.
Anyway, let's start with school, shall we?
Classes - ODE 2 with Dr Rubin. Dang. Selori homeworks. Urmm. Macam biasalahh. Complex Variables with Dr Troy. Hihihi. My first math class yg takyah buat homeworks and he's using Schaum's outlines jaaaa. clicked LIKE button. Piano is a bit stressful since my coordinate system isn't working properly. HAHA. But I'm glad my instructor is super sangat ni-suu. Arabic class, again with Aishah. Hiks. Nasib ada gangg!
Tudor Hall - New Apt! Drama free but a bit sunyi. Hari2 pun balik malam. And so does Faz. Okay kena belajar
berjimat ; kurangkan penggunaan electr
ic and water. Tapi okay laaaaa. Heheeee~
Secret Garden. Haaaaaaaa. THIS IS MY BIGGEST PROBLEM. Bukan addicted tapi it keeps me dreaming. I feel like reality doesn't exist. DANG! Can someone slap me on my face now? haishhh.