Thursday, April 21, 2011

what if what if?

I can't help myself from thinking what if I don't get my college degree? I just hate what if. *sighh* I'm nearly done with school. Tomorrow would be my very LAST class of school. ODE 2. And I just had my exams. It went not to well. What if I fail the test? What if. Pffftt.

Look what I found when I google "what if I don't get college degree?" :

I learned a long time ago that education is not necessarily correlated with success in a job. Remember that Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Richard Branson, Barry Diller, and Mark Zuckerberg never graduated from college because they were too busy building their companies.

Take a page from their playbooks: Focus on what you've done and what you can offer rather than on what you don't have. And if you hit a roadblock, keep beating new paths until you find a way in.

additional person : Pak Njang and Kilang kopi dan teh che nah :)


Sunday, April 10, 2011

dulu lain sekarang tak sama

Dulu Pitt ni best.
Hagen Daaz murah yo.
Gang ramai yo.
Ada Fatin Kak Wani etc.

Dulu mmg best.
Weekend masak2 lepak2 amik gambar.
Siap main belakon2 lagi tu.
Macam budak2.

Dulu study mcm org gila.
Tapi tak la pressure sgt pun.
Motivations berlori-lori.
DL selalu. (tipu)
Dulu makan banyak jugak.
Tak la gemuk sgt.
Dulu boleh ja save duit untuk something else.
Dapat duit sama ja.
Or kurang kut sebab tak kerja.

Dulu manada orang psycho ni.
Semua orang baik2 je.
Tak berkira tak kisah bayar lebih buat kerja lebih.

Rindu yang dulu.

Yang dulu alhamdulillah and thanks korang masih sama.
Korang tahu korang sapa.
Yang selalu melepak malam Jumaat Sabtu tuu.

Sekarang saya dengan Faz asyik kena je.
Comment kat wall kena remove.
Lepas tu update status "I'm fed up" in French.

Sekarang kena sound free je.
Dah kenal kitorang bertahun-tahun pun tak faham ke kitorg ni mcm mana.
Nak 'cut the connection'?

Sekarang mmg dah lain.
Nak pegi graduating reception pun tak tahu nak ajak sapa dah.
Sebab yang dulu dah balik Malaysia.


Sebulan and I'm done dealing with this people.
Done yang done tuuu.